2 soldiers killed in Gaza; 50 rockets strike southern Israel

2 soldiers killed in Gaza; 50 rockets strike southern Israel

    Two soldiers were killed in a military operation in the Gaza Strip, aimed at combating rocket fire against Israel. 50 rockets were launched on Saturday (1 March), injuring 22 civilians in Sderot and Ashkelon, and causing severe damage to property.

    Two IDF soldiers were killed today (Saturday 1 March 2008) and five others wounded during a military operation in the Gaza Strip. The two soldiers killed: Staff Sergeant Doron Asulin, 20, of Beersheba and Staff Sergeant Eran Dan-Gur, 20, of Jerusalem. 

    The operation, meant to combat the ongoing Hamas rocket fire on Israeli cities in the western Negev,  began on Wednesday (27 February) after a student at Sapir College in Sderot was killed by rocket fire. The IDF spokesman reports that a truck laden with 160 rockets to be fired at Israel was targeted in northern Gaza. The terrorists were operating from population centers, thereby putting civilians in the line of fire.

    In the last 24 hours, IDF forces have identified the launching of 9 Grad rockets, 30 Kassam rockets and 11 mortars. The salvo  was launched at Israeli cities and towns in southern Israel, injuring 22 residents of Sderot and  Ashkelon and causing severe damage to property. The injured were transported to Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon for treatment, which was itself the target of a rocket strike earlier in the week. Over 90 rockets have been launched at southern Israel since Thursday.

    A woman injured by a Kassam rocket in Sderot
    Woman injured by a Kassam rocket in Sderot, Feb 29, 2008
    (Photo: Reuters)

    Early Saturday morning shortly arfter 5 am, four rockets struck Ashkelon, one of which scored a direct hit on a house. The three others hit a residential neighborhood. A woman and two children were lightly wounded and a number of others suffered shock in one of the rocket attacks. A car exploded in flames after being hit by another missile in the city.

    On Saturday afternoon, three people were wounded when rockets hit the marina in Ashkelon, some 15 kilometers from the Gaza Strip. One of the three sustained moderate wounds, while the other two were lightly hurt. A number of people at the scene of the attack were treated for shock.

    Home damaged in Sderot by Kassam rocket, March 1
    Sderot resident examines home damaged by Kassam 
    rocket, March 1, 2008 (Photo: Reuters)

    Ashkelon home damaged by GRAD rocket, March 1
    Ashkelon home damaged by GRAD rocket, March 1, 2008
    (Photo: Reuters)

    The IDF Spokesman has reported 25 Hamas casualties in today's fighting. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has called on Israel to stop all strikes in Gaza and urged Palestinian groups to halt ongoing rocket attacks on Israeli communities.

    IDF Spokesman:

    Givati Brigade and Armored Corps forces in conjunction with the IAF have been operating since Friday night in the northern Gaza Strip where rockets have been fired into Israel. During the operations, 20 year old St. Sgt. Doron Asulin from Beersheba and 20 year old St. Sgt. Eran Dan-Gur from Jerusalem were killed. Both were combat soldiers of the Givati Brigade. An IDF officer was moderately wounded during the operation and six soldiers were lightly injured. The injured soldiers were evacuated by helicopter to the Soroka Hospital in Beersheba for medical treatment.

    Since the beginning of last night’s operations, forces have identified nine Grad missile launchings, four which are confirmed as having landed in Israel, near Ashkelon. In addition to this 30 Kassam rockets were fired, 13 of which fell in Israel, and 11 mortar shells were fired, three which fell in Israel.

    25 terror operatives were killed during the operations. This evening, the IAF struck a truck transporting terrorists and 160 rockets intended to be launched at Israel. This afternoon, IDF forces attacked a number of terror operatives approaching the forces. In addition, the IDF attacked operatives armed with anti-tank missiles in proximity to the forces. The forces confirmed direct hits in both incidents.

    This morning, IDF forces attacked two armed terror cells. The forces also attacked a number of long range rocket launchers. The IAF also targeted two weapons manufacturing facilities that were to be used by terror organizations in the central and northern Gaza Strip.

    Following the Grad missile barrage into Ashkelon, the Homefront Command began to set off warning sirens throughout the city. The warning sirens will also be put into use in neighboring towns.